Anime WTX has released their official schedule of events, an event map, and their special drink menu, which is delightfully wild and I'm determined to collect try them all!

To view the schedule and map (there's entirely too much going on to copy it here), head over to the AnimeWTX schedule page.

Now let's talk about these drinks:

via AnimeWTX
via AnimeWTX

Some of you won't get why a Tentacle Martini is so incredibly funny to me, but I will for sure being trying one (or several) throughout the 3-day event.

So far, Anime WTX is shaping up to be something special. Here's a look at what they have planned for their first-ever event right now:

For weekend passes and more information, visit their website and follow them on Facebook. And of course, we will be regularly updating you on events, guest announcements and more.

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