Discover Tabletop RPGs at Stormcrow Games Side Quest Nights
Here's a dirty secret: cool kids know that tabletop RPGs are ridiculously fun. And the format leads to meaningful social interactions, and wildly creative group storytelling.
Lubbock's Stormcrow Games (2155 A 50th) is here to provide space and the opportunity to meet new players on Thursday nights beginning at 7:30 p.m. New players are encouraged to show up at 6:30 p.m. to fill out character sheets. Games may include Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer, Guild Ball, X-Wing, Star Finder, and more.
Playing games at Stormcrow is free, but bring some funds- there will be a shiny new dice set with your name on it. Stormcrow offers a wide variety of games including board games to play with the kids, party style card games and of course a vast selection of tabletop campaign style games.
For more information, or to let them know you're coming, head over to the Facebook event page.