Everybody’s Big Mad About Student Loan Forgiveness
I don't know about you, but everyone on my Facebook feed is fighting about student loans.
Let's start with something that parallels this just a bit. I was invited to walk-on at several places to play college football. I promise you if there would have been $25,000 per player promised like they're doing now at Texas Tech, not only would I have done it, but my hungry-ass would have secured a spot on a team. Not having that opportunity changed the course of my life, but I'm not mad about it.
Now, I'm not going to get into all the subtleties of student loan forgiveness. I just have a few reasons why not to get mad about it.
Let's start with those people who feel they'll now be paying for someone else's loan via their taxes. I'm going to say that there are probably a hundred or even a thousand government programs that I don't want to pay for. Even simpler, I'm a homeowner in Lubbock, Texas, and I have to pay taxes to send other people's kids to school, with no end in sight. What's fair about that? The fact is, it's not really fair, it's just that we all think having smart kids in this country is a pretty good idea.
Circling back around there are those folks who are acting like they would have attended college if they had known these loans were going to be forgiven. I've seen this claim over and over, and it's usually made by folks who never had any intention of doing any higher learning at all, and some on my feed haven't even bothered to get a free GED.
As I said, this could be a topic all day, but the last thing is, clean up your own backyard before you complain. Right now some of the people out there trying to turn this into a political issue are being blasted for taking about forgivable (free) loans during the pandemic. There are a lot of us who've had to lean on the goodness of society to get us through a rough patch. Maybe we can be kind on this topic and it'll come back to us in some way.