FirstBank & Trust raised a whopping $27,500 in support of the Lubbock Chapter of the American Diabetes Association after electing them as their corporate charity. This year, the bank's main fundraisers were Blue Jean Fridays and the 18th Annual FirstBank Classic Golf Tournament last September.

FirstBank & Trust President Greg Garland seems to have a soft spot for diabetes and an understanding of the plethora of people that suffer from the disease. He said in a recent press conference:

"Diabetes is a disease that affects over 10% of the US population. Most of us have a family member, friend, or co-worker diagnosed with diabetes. We chose to support this organization many years ago and I am proud of the work our employees do to raise these significant funds. FirstBank and Trust has been a major sponsor and partner of the Lubbock Area ADA for many years. The FirstBank employees go to great efforts each year to raise money for the ADA and we cannot thank them enough."

I have several friends and family members that are diabetic and sometimes because the disease is so common, we forget that there are people really struggling with it. Diabetics are at risk even more now during the pandemic and have been through a very tough year. A close friend of the station with diabetes lost his life to COVID-19 this year.

FMX sends their warmest thank you to FirstBank and Trust and President Greg Garland for their generous donation to the American Diabetes Association and for doing their part to raise awareness in our community.


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