FMX Fans Keep Up With ‘The Haps’ on Social Media and App
Living in Lubbock is great for our radio listeners because tuning in to 94.5 is as easy as turning the key to your car, but for many of our listeners tuning in takes a little more effort so when we hear from fans who are "away from home" it makes us happier than a puppy with two peckers!
We recently received a message from an FMX fan from out of town... way out of town. Stationed in Guam and serving in the US Navy, Christian Garcia, wrote us that he looks to FMX as the source of "the haps" of what's going on back home.
First off, thank you for serving our country. Second, thanks for keeping it rocking in Guam with FMX! We are happy to serve our listeners the latest in all things happening in and around Lubbock.
If you haven't started following FMX on social media, you're missing out on some really great music news and local news that you need to know. Downloading our free FMX app could earn you great prizes and we often will give our app users inside tips on upcoming events and give-aways. Download the app here.
Thanks again for writing to us Christian and keep up the good work in Guam!