Get Out And Support Local Businesses
Over the past several weeks you may have noticed several Lubbock restaurants have announced they will be closing their doors.
Or, in some cases you may have found out after trying to visit them for dinner, or maybe you heard it on the news.
All I know for certain is this, Lubbock is a hard place to run a successful business.
There are more restaurants and bars in a square mile in Lubbock then there seems to be in cities twice the size.
And for whatever reason residents seem to get into a habit of only going to the same spots over and over which leaves so many good or unique spots left undiscovered.
And when a place is undiscovered for very long it will eventually have to close up shop.
So let me encourage you to make it a point to try a mom and pop restaurant, visit a locally owned bar, and always make it a point to keep your money local by supporting small businesses based right here in the Hub City.