Hub City Norml Sets Banquet For January 27th
Lawd knows these are perplexing times for fans of the herb. While parts of the country celebrate Cannabis freedom, the Federal Government may or may not be clamping down, and we're all here in Texas pretending that everyone we know isn't visiting Colorado a couple times a year.
NORML is the National Organization for the Reform Of Marijuana Laws. While this organizations goal is no doubt straight ahead legalization, a little clarity and insight will help either way. Our local chapter will be having a fundraising banquet dinner on January 27th in Abernathy Texas. The exact address is 811 Avenue D. Tickets include dinner and beverage.
Advanced tickets can be picked up at the regular Hub City NORML meetings, which take place on the 1st or 3rd Saturday of the month at 3 p.m. at Schlotzky's at 3715 19th.
Get out, meet some people and help the cause.
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