LP&L Has a 1.2-Star Google Rating and Nobody Is Surprised

It's no secret that Lubbock Power & Light (LP&L) is the most despised company in Lubbock, Texas.
The 1.2-star rating on Google, paired with hundreds of pissed-off customer reviews, will give you some insight into just how bad this company is. They are simply the worst, and it just feels like they disappoint us more every single year. Nothing changes, and no matter what, it seems the odds of that place ever getting their s*** together are pretty slim.
We're all simply screaming into the void.
That being said, let's take a gander at some of the most brutal reviews of the City of Lubbock Utilities, AKA LP&L, which I lovingly refer to as LP&HELL or LP&FAIL. I'm sure you have a few choice names for them that I'd get in trouble for typing.
I'll let the other customers take it from here.
25 Terrible Reviews of LP&L
If a restaurant had a 1.2-star review, chances are, you would pick somewhere else to eat. Unfortunately, most of us are stuck with this trainwreck of a company for our electricity. Using LP&L is like eating gas station burritos that have been under a heating lamp for way too long because there are no other options. You take a chance, and 9 times out of 10, you end up regretting it.
LP&L, you are the gas station burrito of electric companies. In fact, I feel bad even comparing those to you. You are far worse than diarrhea.
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