15 Salty Memes for People Who Hate Lubbock Power & Light
There's truly something magical when Lubbock residents set aside their many differences and come together to hate on the power company that's done so many of us so very wrong.
From paying bills that aren't yours, waiting on hold for hours and being charged outrageous prices, LP&L has rubbed nearly everyone in Lubbock the wrong way.
If you've been lucky enough to never have had a problem with them, congratulations! You're one of very few and you should feel incredibly special. Perhaps celebrate by turning your air conditioner down to a more reasonable temperature than the 78 degrees suggested by them after the ERCOT switch. You deserve it.

We've all been blasting LP&L even more than usual lately after that power grid transition, and we've already given you some extra spicy ERCOT memes. Those were quite a hit. Perhaps it's time to revisit all of the reasons we can't stand the biggest power company in town. Anytime is a good time to roast LP&L, and there was no shortage of people around to contribute to this list of salty-ass memes.
So sit back and enjoy these bad boys. Be sure to send them to your friends and family that hate LP&L just as much as you do. Comment below or on our Facebook page if you have a meme saltier than ours about your experience with Lubbock Power & Light.
15 Salty LP&L Memes
14 Hilarious ERCOT Memes
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