Lt. Governor Candidate Stoops To Saturday Night Live Level Of Campaign Silliness [VIDEO]
I really don't care what you think of my politics. I also know I'm not going to change your mind (nor do I want to). My job is to look for satire and this ad is ridiculous.
In a new low, Lt. Governor Candidate Dan Patrick talks about ISIS trying to cross our border while the video shows tanks full of terrorists coming at the camera. Seriously? Is there ANY scenario in the real world in which this is a real threat? There may come a day when a couple of guys sneak across and do some damage, but tanks? I call complete and total b.s. Do I really have to explain to you how tough it would be to get or even commandeer a tank on a different continent? Do you not think the Mexican government or even the cartels might put up a tiny show of force if they came riding dirty through Tijuana? Seriously, you know the Billy Bad Asses around here would draw down on these guys and a Mexican Drug Cartel would do the same thing (dead Americans can't by drugs).
All signs point to illegal immigration being at an all-time low (in fairness, you can't prove something like this). Sorry, but that's the fact. What this is, is that a focus group somewhere decided that this is a good "talking point" and a "hot button issue" to keep people talking. It's simple "scare 'em into voting". It's been done as long as there was stuff to vote for. In essence Patrick is trying to convince you that the boogeyman exists and he's the only one willing to stop him. This is just another distraction. They (none of them) really want to talk about deteriorating infrastructure or awful records in education or any of the real problems that we have to deal with. This kind of fake "issue" is the equivalent of saying "hey looky there" to somebody and then running and hiding while they're distracted. I am sincerely hoping that this isn't a sign of what this political season is going to be, but sadly it probably is.