Lubbock Native Chase Crawford Offers In-Character Wisdom
Lubbock native Chase Crawford is "all in" with this bit.
What's All This About?
I upgraded my perfectly good t.v. so that I could see "The Boys". There you have it, and I'll admit it was worth it. The show has not disappointed on any level. It is wild, off-the-wall, gory, provocative, explicit, and pretty much everything else.
The Show Itself
The concept of the show is simple, superheroes have gotten a bit douchebaggy, murderous and out-of-control. A group called "The Boys" have made it their job to bring the superheroes down a peg, even if that means killing them.
The Team
Heading up the "heroes" who are the main focus of the show is "The Seven", one of which is an Aquaman knock-off called "The Deep". Although The Deep is pretty clueless, he actually sets the tone by forcing himself on the newest member of the team.
The Actor
So now we get to the man who plays "The Deep". His name is Chace Crawford and he was actually born here in Lubbock, Texas. Crawford seems to have moved shortly after his birth, but what the heck, we'll claim him. He actually got big t.v. break by being on the t.v. show Gossip Girl.
The Deep's Deep Thoughts With The Deep
Yes, this bit is ultra hilarious, because the character is so clueless about the "wisdom" that he thinks he's sharing with everyone. The truth is, The Deep, really isn't so deep. I think those of you who haven't even the show, can appreciate this bit.