Mayor & Texas Tech Approved Lime Electric Scooters Have Made It to Lubbock
After much controversy with the launch of Bird Scooters earlier this year, Mayor and Texas Tech approved Lime Shared Scooters officially launched at Texas Tech's Memorial Square this morning (November 7, 2018):
According to a press release sent by The Coulter Group, officials are on campus to, "demonstrate scooters, offer rides and answer any questions".
Lime is like other shared electric scooters in that it unlocks with an app, charges an unlock fee and then a small per-minute ride fee.
If you've seen other rent-able modes of transportation strewn across pedestrian walkways or even on streets, Lime want to assure Lubbockites that the scooters will be monitored and moved as needed:
To make sure the scooters are parked responsibly, Lime collects them on a daily basis, charging them and redistributing them in approved areas so that they are on the sidewalks fully charged, maintained, and ready to be ridden everyday. This also helps ensure that they are placed upright and parked responsibly, do not block pedestrian right-of-way or obstruct any sidewalks or roadways.
Lime is also pushing safety, with a series of educational youtube videos and by giving away a 25K free helmets with their Respect-the-Ride pledge.
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