Mornings Are Stressful For Parents, Here’s a Solution
Being a parent is stressful enough with the incessant worry that runs through the mind, but mornings can be the most stressful for those parents with school-aged children.
A recent article by a UK magazine lists the top ten causes of morning stress and of course we discussed this topic on The RockShow. I had some tried and true solutions to combat these menacing problems.
According to the survey, here are the ten most stressful things parents encounter in the morning . . .
1. Your kids refusing to get out of bed.
2. They won't get dressed fast enough.
3. Struggling to get them out of the house on time.
4. Getting them to brush their teeth.
5. Dealing with breakfast.
6. Finding their stuff, like shoes or backpacks.
7. Getting their shoes on.
8. Getting YOURSELF ready while you're helping them.
9. Dealing with unexpected tantrums.
10. Hitting snooze and sleeping in by mistake.
Actually it's just one solution to fit all of the top ten causes.... Plain and simply, just Whoop That Ass!
Listen to our discussion and remember this solution is also great for annoying co-workers!
This is meant to be satirecal and should not be taken seriously.
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