Texas has its fair share of dangerous animals- from the massive and majestic mountain lion to the weird stinging blobs on our coastlines known as Portuguese Man O' Wars.

My part of Texas is severely lacking in both mountains and coastline, but it is not lacking in my least favorite critter: the Texas Bark Scorpion. I'm getting itchy thinking about it right now.

Tarantula Collective on Youtube/ canva
Tarantula Collective on Youtube/ canva

And, lucky me, I've had more than one close encounter with one. When I lived nearer the city limits I had a few that had the audacity to come over uninvited.

I am not normally scared of creepy crawlies, but something about scorpions makes my lizard brain panic. Each time I froze and was unable to move for several seconds before I was able to retrieve a heavy, large, and unforgiving book. Whack! (Sorry if you're a scorpion lover- I do relocate spiders!)

I've known a few people who have been stung by this species of scorpion and lived to tell the tale- one gentleman was stung on his "private area." Yikes.

Luckily for most people, this scorpion's sting isn't too serious, but it certainly isn't pleasant either. According to World Atlas, "General symptoms include pain, which can be intense, numbness, tingling, swelling, and being warm to the touch."

However, for small children, the immunocompromised, the allergic, and pets, the Texas Bark Scorpion's venom can be serious, even deadly.

More serious symptoms include trouble breathing, sweating, vomiting, high blood pressure, fast heart rate, and slurred speech. Stings can also cause anaphylaxis if you happen to be allergic.

So what should you do if you encounter a Texas Bark Scorpion? First of all, stay calm. There's no need to freak out like I do.

Second, if the creature is inside you can either relocate the scorpion using a glass jar (slide cardboard underneath) or you can kill it with a heavy object if you are a meanie like me. If it is outside, it is best to just leave it alone.

If you suspect you may come into contact with scorpions (for instance, you are moving a pile of old wood outside) wear protective clothing like long sleeves and gloves.

If you seem to have a lot of scorpions inside your home, it might be time to contact a professional exterminator.

And if you are ever stung, it is best to seek medical attention immediately. Better safe than sorry.

Here is an interesting and informative video about the Texas Bark Scorpion, from a guy who actually likes these things.

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