Reviews Are In For Lubbock’s Hayashi Buffet, Formerly Dragon Buffet

When I heard that Dragon Buffet (5608 Slide Rd,) was to be taken over by the folks who run Hayashi, I was optimistic, but still waiting with bated breath. Because a bad buffet is really truly BAD. Disappointing if not straight-up scary.
Once, I was at a buffet here in Lubbock (ain't going to name names) and saw a woman wiping the buffet line with what looked to be a dirty rag (bad) with her hand touching the rag directly. I then saw her reach for the ice cream cones, again, with no gloves (oh no) and then proceed to touch them all while spreading them out (call the police!), and I still don't know what the point of it was beyond giving me nightmares, and it has kept me out of buffets for years at this point.
But I am ready to go back, baby! All the reviews for the new Hayashi Buffet are overwhelmingly positive. And the photos look great, too. It's very difficult to get good pictures of even the best food, but what I've seen looks decadent and delicious:
Look at the size of these shrimp! And this confirms that there is sushi on the buffet. And I'm quite glad to see that the rice isn't all dried out and that there's real fish there.
Here are some of the reviews I've seen on the ever-useful and dynamic LBK Foodies Facebook Page.
[...] the new ownership of The Dragon Buffet is on top of their game. I was already a fan of the Dragon but there is a noticeable difference in quality I feel like. Our party of 9 enjoyed it!
It was superrrr good— And I don’t say this lightly because… well, I am NOT. A. BUFFET. GAL. They usually gross me out. But everything I got was fresh and delicious. Ate it ALL.
[...] was super impressed tonight. The buffet stayed full. The waitress was attentive. The food was fresh. The sushi bar stayed full. I was happy happy. Y'all tip them waiters and waitresses good because they're working hard with all the people coming in. Y'all go check it out.
There are more positive reviews, and I've yet to see a negative review.
Congratulations Hayashi Buffet, keep up the good work!
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