There are pushes across the U.S. for various bible-based education plans, as well as the displaying of the Ten Commandments.

Image by Gerd Altmann from PixabayImage by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Image by Gerd Altmann from PixabayImage by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Is It Useful?

Before too many people get their feathers ruffled, here's a simple question, "How many times a day do you have to consult the bible when you're a work?"  So far, I've seen nothing in the bible to help with spreadsheets, or miter-cuts in construction, or how to fill out a job application. There's nothing in there about dog grooming, space-travel, or how to paint. The bible does not prepare you to provide for you family.

The Right Place

Can the bible help you morally? Well sure there are some lessons that could be very beneficial to you. I would think those same lessons should be taught to you by your parents and no one really cares what they use as their source material. Being as kind as I can be to religion, school should teach you how to do things, and the bible would be more about teaching you how to behave. Religion has always been or not been a part of a persons "upbringing", not schooling, and it should stay that way.

The Wrong Teachers

Our teachers did not go to seminary school. They should teach in their areas of expertise. The parents screaming about putting god back into schools, need to use that energy to teach those lessons at home. The "amount of bible studied" will probably not get many students further in their job searches. Our students are already falling behind in the basics and we do not need to add one more confusing thing to the mix.

The Final Lesson

Despite touching on various points here, the bottom line is that the "basics" that we need to get back to aren't religious ones, it's reading, writing, and arithmetic. Teaching a whole belief system on top of the basics is just too much.

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