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Dammit! The Johnny Ray tribute and fundraiser is coming up.

It's been a minute since we lost local legend and pretty darn good drummer Johnny Ray, but fans of the late percussionist wanted an event far enough out so that people and musicians from out of town or with busy schedules could plan to attend.

My Facebook feed is full of folks planning to come to town to celebrate the spirit of local musicians and jam night fixture Johnny Ray. Most exciting to me is a reunion of the legendary Asparagus Nightmares. It wouldn't be a Johnny Ray tribute without people falling in and out to jam with a backline provided for those people willing to get up.

Johnny also had a love for the neighborhood cats, so that will be represented with a donation jar for local animal shelters.

Check out the cool flyer by Norma DeWitt:

N. DeWitt
Norma DeWitt

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