A transformer fire was caught on video in Lubbock Thursday night. The fire caused an outage for some in the area. Luckily, losing power overnight isn't quite as bad as it is during the day, and no one was hurt. The fire could have been much worse.

The video, shared by Amber Massoud, is pretty stinking scary. Here's what she had to say about what she saw:

I took my mom home around 9-9:30 Thursday night. When we got to her apartment, I smelled something burning but didn’t think too much of it since there are always weird smells in Lubbock. When I was leaving, I noticed the fire department was there. They were all standing there just looking up. So naturally, I looked up and that’s when I noticed the pole was on fire from what I’m assuming was a lightning strike.

Here is a picture of LP&L working to fix the pole. Another resident at the apartments said they did lose power around 4 a.m.

Amber Massoud
Amber Massoud

We're happy that no injuries were reported and that the nearby trees, which look pretty close, didn't catch on fire. It's a good reminder that if you smell something burning, you just might be right. Lubbock is certainly full of strange smells, mainly cow poo, but every once in a while, you smell trouble.

Thank you to the wonderful Lubbock Fire Department for the quick response, too. You guys really saved the day and we're all grateful to have you. High-five a firefighter if you see one today!

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