Watch a Sneak Peek of the Lubbock Episode on ‘Small Town Throwdown’
Word of Lubbock being called the 'Most Boring Town In America' spread like wildfire on the South Plains after Renee wrote about it on Monday, May 18th (and back in 2014 when it first hit the internet). And much like her sentiments, I agree that Lubbock is far from boring.
It was a little shocking to learn that a whole TV show would feature Lubbock as the most boring town in America, but I decided to reserve any opinion of the show until I had the opportunity to watch. (Sneak peek video below.)
On Tuesday, May 19th, USA Today featured a summary of the Lubbock episode, which will be the first in a new Discovery Channel program called Small Town Throwdown, along with a column from the host who visited Lubbock. He, by the way, is not who dubbed Lubbock 'Most Boring Town In America'.
According to the Discovery Channel website: "Small Town Throwdown" is a program dedicated to shedding the labels given to some of America's most beloved small towns due to misleading headlines otherwise known as 'click-bait.'"
The Small Town Throwdown series premiere begins at 9 p.m. CT on Wednesday, May 20th. From what I can find, the episode will likely feature Lubbock, Texas and Appleton, Wisconsin as The Most Boring and The Drunkest towns (respectively) in America.
The USA Today article actually reveals what comedian host, Mo Mandel, thinks about Lubbock and, trust me, it ain't boring.
Mandel sums up his visit to Lubbock by writing: "I got the sense that, far from being boring, Lubbock is a proud community that knows how to have fun in its own way, on its own terms. If you visit and don’t have a good time, honestly, they probably won’t be too bothered by it, and will just chalk it up to you being boring yourself, and simply not cowboy enough to know a good piece of meat when it’s staring you in the face."
Now, watch the sneak peek: