What Do You Call Ice Cream Blended in a Cup With Other Treats?
Here in Texas a Coke could mean any flavor of soft drink. Whether they like it or not, anything with ice cream and candy, or cookies or anything blended in it is called a Blizzard.
So just as Coca-Cola gets credit for any default soft drink being called a Coke, Dairy Queen gets credit for coming up with one of our favorite delicious desserts.
Now that we have the term defined, let's drill down here a bit. Dairy Queen has the Blizzard, Sonic has the Blast and Wienershnitzel/Tastee Freeze has the Freezee. Choosing between the three is like choosing your favorite kid or favorite pet. They're all good, but there are minor differences.
Dairy Queen's Blizzard is thicker than the other two. I don't know why this a selling point, but it is. So what's the downside? Dairy Queen always seems to be slow in today's fast food world. But if you got a minute, it's worth the wait.
Sonic's Blast differentiates itself by being served up slightly more sundae-style with whipped cream. I actually really like this touch. Nine out of 10 times that I'm in the mood for one of these treats, I go to Sonic.