Yes, I found some more weirdness at Walmart at 4 a.m.

I've said it before, I'm more of a "getter" than a "shopper" so I don't look to closely at what's on the shelf. These early morning Walmart trips have begun to be a real eye opener though.  Whereas I would have just grabbed up some Whataburger Spicy Ketchup (not in stock dammit!), I had to browse a bit. There, right next to the Great Value Spicy Ketchup, was a horror upon horrors.  First, have a look at the pic, then let's discuss:


I immediately shared this with my Facebook friends with the comment, "Why have you forsaken us oh Lord?" After the shock wore off I continued my shopping with a faint aftertaste of vomit in my mouth. My friends were not fans either; one having purchased said product for her kids who would not eat it claiming it was "unnatural". I also liked the comment, "Holy ick Batman, what is that?"

I guess the only upside is now kids know what that Slime on Nickelodeon was. It turns out it was ketchup the whole time. Good luck getting that in your eyes.

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