12-21-11 Verizon Nationwide Outage [VIDEO]
We all know how dependant we have all become on cell phones as a way to keep in touch with friends and family throughout the day, well for the second time in a month it seems some of those friends and family who use Verizon have been without service for much of the day.
Customers from California to Boston have been reporting they have no service on 3G and 4G devices (question one, how are they reporting it if they don't have service? and question two, do customers with non "smart" phones still have service?) for most of the day.
According to reports Verizon is aware of the problem and tho they have not released an official statement or cause of the outage they are working to resolve the issue.
So, if you have Verizon and have not gotten any calls today now you know why...
Thank GOODNESS the guy in the video was there to let us know ...