I've put this notion out there before, and it's happening in dribs and drabs.

Full-length recording projects (since formats vary, let's say seven or more songs) don't make much sense. Let's start with a caveat, if the songs are made on a theme or part of a concept, then, by all means, keep going with the artistic statement, but for the most part, full-length projects just don't work anymore.

My idea was simple; bands should put out an e.p. of two to four songs, support them on tour, then repeat. There's a lot of reasons why things should be done this way and the first has to do with the songs themselves; a good song can last for a year on the radio, which effectively stunts the possible growth of their second release. There's also the fact that bands can only integrate so much new material into their live shows.  If they're lucky enough to make it on Saturday Night Live or a nighttime talk show, again they are only going to be allowed to play one to two songs.

We are seeing a little of this concept happening right now. Ghost recently released the "Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic" featuring two tracks and now comes news that Black Veil Brides have released two tracks this way with plans for a couple more in six months.

Let's also look at this economically; even though many people don't buy much music anymore, people think nothing of dropping 99 cents or $1.99. This could be a way to put a little more money back in the band's pocket.

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