Do You Have To Have A Front License Plate In Texas?
Why would you need a front license plate?
Some people would really prefer the sleek look of no front license plate on their car. After all, they spent all that money on a sweet ride, then they have to put this weird metal/number/government i.d. thing on the front. It just doesn't seem fair.
That front license spot has also been a place where a lot of people have shown their individual styles. Instead of paying for a custom plate, they could pick up novelty plates online or at flea markets.
Then there is the fact of, what's really the point of front license plates? If the police are after you, they'll almost certainly be coming up from behind. I think the only real reason to have a front license plate is if someone wanted to see it in their rear view mirror, and even then it would be backward and hard to figure out.
Well, we can justify all the reasons we want for no front license plate, but the state of Texas absolutely does require them.
Man, it sucks to be us. I would think that having a Marvin the Martin flips the middle finger license plate would be a pretty good way to identify a car. Then again, I imagine there would be roughly ten thousand cars in Lubbock that would sport a Texas Tech front license plate if they could. Unfortunately, I will never live my dream of having a "Live, Laugh, Love" license plate until Texas changes the law.