Lubbock, Texas is in the grip of flu season.


It's Peaking

Lubbock joins the rest of Texas as having "Very High" reported cases of the flu. New Mexico is suffering right now as well. Not only are we at the top of the chart for reported cases, remember there's a lot of people who just suffer through it with no medical help at all. Across Texas some schools have had to close due to rampant flu outbreaks.

Avoid The Flu

The first way to stop this surge is prevention. Flu shots works to prevent or lessen the symptoms of the flu. They are tested, tried and true and it's hard to believe that more people don't take advantage of them. Hand washing helps immeasurably, and of course not being in close proximity with people who currently have symptoms.

Recognize The Symptoms

Recognize the symptoms of the flu is very important as well. Flu sufferers may experience fever, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion or runny nose, muscle aches, headaches, and fatigue. Some, especially younger sufferers can also have vomiting and diarrhea.

It's Serious

The flu is extremely unpleasant and it can also be lethal. About 36,000 people die annually from the flu, making it the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S.  Especially at risk are the very young, the very old, and people with pre-existing conditions. It's important that we stop the spread before it reaches these high-risk groups. If you are not experiencing serious conditions, it's important to stay home, drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest.

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Gallery Credit: Renee Raven

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