Outside of Austin is one of the greatest places in the history of the earth.

This place, actually located in Leander on the outskirts of Austin is better than the pyramids, Hawaii, and your moms on Sunday combined. Though it's on the edge of one town and the beginning of another, it still has that "last stop" before exiting civilization feeling.

Now ordinarily if you're in a "last stop" type situation, you could probably get away with murder. You could probably have the bare minimum on the shelves and expensive gas and you'd still do okay. Foodie's is not like that (technically it's"Foodie's Corner" online, even though the sign just says "Foodie's").

Imagine if you will a giant mega, beaver-free convenience store, then imagine it having a full-on Czech bakery inside. It is complete sensory overload when you walk in. Sure, you came in for some jerky and a Dr. Pepper, but you'll leave with an armload of the best-baked goods anywhere.

The baked goods portion of the store is "Weikle's Bakery" which apparently also has locations in Brenham (home of Blue Bell) and La Grange (ah how, how, how...). The best I can tell this is the only team-up location of Foodie's & Wikle's and it is amazing.


So what can you get? How about the best kolaches, lemon squares, pies, bars, muffins, strudels, rolls, and just about anything else you can imagine (you can check out a bit of the offering online here).  I'll also say that I thought the prices were reasonable as heck.

The next time you make a trip to Austin, stop at Foodie's and tell them to come to Lubbock. We need one of these asap!


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