Hiring Event Thursday At All Whataburgers
If you're looking for a job, try Team Orange & White this Thursday.
How would you like to know the secret world of the Green Chili Burger? Maybe you can't wait to build cool stuff out of those table tents during your break time. Then again, maybe you want to make money and build a career.
Our friend "Whataburger Nicole", the West Texas recruiter for Whataburger hipped us to a hiring event on Thursday. If you'd like to increase your chances of being hired, the locations that need help the most are 1701 19th, 8226 University, 5512 4th, and the 6414 82nd and 11441 Quaker.
Make yourself presentable and report for recruitment between two and six on Thursday (12/19). You can also find out about career opportunities here.