The one and only Ian Moore is bringing his blues back to the Hub City, this time with even more freaks and friends than last time.

The show will be at Backstage Lubbock (18th and Texas) and will include support from Lubbock's own Spivey as well as Ronnie Eaton and The Cold Hard Truth.

A fantastic artist, Jesse Dayton, will be on display just before Ian Moore. Dayton has done music for Rob Zombie films, played guitar for Johnny Cash, John Doe and countless others. Needless to say, he's one hell of an act, and will be live and in your face that Wednesday night.

Ian Moore and His Lossy Coils are a tried-and-true tradition to Texas music. Many know him for his great voice, but the dude is just a flat-out monster on the strings.

You can grab your tickets at Ralph's Records starting at 3 p.m. Friday (August 5) or online.


    Ghost to Rock Lubbock, Texas

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