I’ll Bet You Won’t Take This Pre-New Years Challenge
You are made of some pretty strong stuff.
Few people know that I hold "church" online every Sunday morning at 9:00. We talk about motivation, breaking bad habits, trying to get rid of anxiety, and more. I have no real training and don't really pretend that I do. What I actually do is read and study so that I personally go into each week with some goals, and if any of those things match up with what you need, then you're welcome to share.
This week, among other things, we discussed closing out 2022 strong. I don't see any reason to wait until January 1st for all of us to try to improve our attitudes and the world around us. I also know that if you took the time to read this far, you are a likely candidate for the challenge I'm going to present.
The challenge is simple: do a good deed every day. Most of you already do this, but keep it in the forefront of your mind so you don't miss a day. I'm not talking about big things either. I'm talking about little things like taking an extra shopping cart back to the corral, doing the laundry or dishes so your spouse can have a break, or just holding a door open for an elderly person.
These tiny bits of goodness add up. Not only are you likely to make someone (or something in the case of pets) day, but there's a chance that they'll pass it along and do something nice for someone as well. There's also the BIG benefit to your mental health, as you see yourself making a tiny difference in the world.
There are less than ten days until the new year. Challenge yourself to do just one good deed a day and then see if it's a habit you want to carry through to the new year.
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