Lubbock May Be A Wet And Dangerous Place This Weekend
Chances are high that we could see quite a bit of rain on Saturday.
We have about a 90% chance of rain on Saturday, with some areas getting up to an inch of rain. I don't have to tell you what an inch of rain means around here, but okay, I will.
One inch of rain in 24 hours is the type of downpour that causes problems with the streets, flooding of low-lying areas, and a little wet mayhem across town. When you cross those wet hazards with the skills of the average Lubbock driver, you could be in for a real mess.
Now an inch of rain wouldn't be such a problem if water didn't flow to certain areas. I know this is a bit simplistic, but it would be an entirely different story if that one inch stayed up where it feel, but of course, it will run into other posts meaning deep gutters and causing even more hazardous driving in the lanes adjacent to it. Then there's the fact that the city's wastewater plan is pretty much, "let it flow into the lakes" and it could get very messy.
Our first chances of rain kick in around 1 a.m. tonight/tomorrow with things potentially getting a little rowdy around 2 a.m. From there, we have very high chances of rain all the way through Sunday. Yes, chances are high that you won't be enjoying any outdoor activities this weekend.
We are also going to see much cooler temperatures with Saturday afternoon at about 65 degrees. Sunday we'll top out in the low 70's.
With this threat of rain and thunderstorms, outages are always a possibility. If you get a chance today, check the batteries in your flashlights and make sure you know where your candles are. Stay safe and stay dry!
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