It's been kind of a nutso week, so I'd like to explain something to the people in the cheap seats.

One of my favorite people to watch is "Beau Of The Fifth Column". He just seems to be a level-headed guy who's seen some action and he really stays on top of things. What bothers me is that he'll completely NAIL a topic, then end his little commentary with "'s just a thought". This has led me to go, "No! You shouldn't be diminishing this important point with such a blow-off phrase".

Now Beau studies these things and it's his business. Here at the radio station, we provide a ton of content on-air and off-air (and you really shouldn't confuse the too). It's part of our job to write about the things we think a portion of our audience will find interesting. This does not mean we are fully committed to any of it. Think about this, I just check and this will be my 7916th blog (for real, that's not a made-up number). Now, do you think I'm really intense about 7916 things?

All of this becomes a problem when we strike a nerve with certain folks and why they get so hot on the color is beyond me. It's not like we say "our ponds need more fish" then we get out and protest, contact our congressmen, go on hunger strikes or even hold up signs by the road.  In other words, most times we express something, it's "just a thought".

Lighten up there. If we see a cup fly out of your pickup bed we know you didn't plan it to "ruin the earth" and if we express an opinion, that's all it is, just an opinion and you shouldn't get all worked up about it either.

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