I'm actually a fan of graffiti artists. As a matter of fact, I've employed a couple for some art projects. Taggers, I'm not really fond of. There's no art in it.

Apparently, we have a problem with someone spraying graffiti on trees. I guess we need to separate the word "graffiti" from the word "tags" at this point. Let's just make this clear: Neither the art community nor the gang community is going to be very impressed with spray painting on trees.

The trees were marked with letters or initials in a most unimpressive way. I would say this is most likely the work of some dumb kid with a spray can, and nothing really sinister is at work here. Still, the trees were spray painted with bright red paint in Mackenzie Park, so surely someone can help put this kid or kids on the right path.

Let's not give real graffiti artists a bad name with this stupid tagging. If you see something, say something -- or call the cops.


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