Kohl's, a department store chain with locations across the U.S., is closing 27 "underperforming" stores including one location in Texas, according to CNN.

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Kohl's joins a long list of retailers closing locations- from a handful to many brick-and-mortar stores. Macy's, a similar retailer, is closing many more locations than Kohl's.

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The closures come after changes in consumer habits (read: buying everything online) and inflation that pressures people to cut spending on items that aren't always an immediate need- like new clothing, shoes, small appliances, etc.

Kohl's has also had difficulty on stock the market- dropping 40% in value in the last six months.

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Most of the Kohl's closures are happening across California, but many other states are losing 1 or two stores, including Texas at 18224 Preston Road in Dallas.

Kohl's currently has over 1100 locations spread over every U.S. state except for Hawaii.

The first Kohl's was a corner grocery store founded by Maxwell Kohl in 1927. After the grocers found success as a chain, the first Kohl's department store opened in 1962. It sold everything, "from candy to engine oil to sporting equipment."

Kohl's carries many proprietary/ exclusive brands including American Beauty, Apt. 9, Croft & Barrow, Jumping Beans, So, Tek Gear, Urban Pipeline, Sonoma Goods for Life Candie's, and Mudd Jeans.

Some Kohl's even feature a store-within-a-store, with locations of Sephora Beauty offering high-end cosmetics, perfume, and skincare to Kohl's visitors.

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Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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Gallery Credit: unsplash.com, Getty Images


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