U.S. intelligence officials have warned federal and local law enforcement of chatter indicating potential attacks by al-Qaeda terrorists in Texas, Virginia, and New York Monday.
As I wrote before, I've had it with the election nonsense. At this point it's so hateful on all sides I'm ready for it to be over. This, however, is comedy and it's very funny.
Have you been getting calls from weird numbers or even answered a 'robo-call' from a political 'poll' company or candidate? It's funny how they can do this despite those of us who signed up to be on "do not call" lists. More after the jump.
Today was a momentous day. The President Of The United States of America said that "same sex marriage" should be allowed. The President says actual laws should be left up to the states. Still, it is a historic day for a group of people that just want to be treated equally. More after the jump.
I was a bit taken aback this morning when I saw one candidates campaign slogan. The slogan in question was "trust God, not congress". Um, just how many hundreds of examples do people need to see that religion and politics do not mix. The bummer thing to me is, I was going to vote for this guy, because, in my opinion, his opponent is everything wrong with politics. Now my choices are
This is an amazingly well cut together video. It's not even really anti-Mitt. It's really just an exercise in editing. I guess what I'm trying to say is if they author wanted to slam Mitt or anyone, it would have been really easy to do it this way, instead he goes for creative cuts in this mashup of soundbites and Eminem. More after the jump.
The possible Texas Voter I.D. law is another either another ridiculous attempt to distract voters or symptomatic of an out of touch government. When was the last time you heard of anyone cheating at the polls? It should be EASY to vote, not hard and I can't believe they're even making this part of the political discourse. More after the jump.
Are You "Conservative", "Liberal" Or "Conservaberal"?
I heard Rick Santorum on the t.v. say he's the true "conservative". Guess what Rick, I'm not simple minded like the rest of America and I'm not falling for it. Now this isn't an article about Santorum, but how the candidates fight over stupid stuff that really doesn't mean anything to us. Read more after