Tesla Reschedules Lubbock Date For January 2023
Well, there was little fanfare, but this show has finally been rescheduled.
As you may remember, Tesla was scheduled to make an appearance in the Hub City in September of last year. That show was selling tickets like hotcakes and was well on its way to selling out when the date was called off at the last minute due to vocal problems.
The show is now back on and set for January 15th of 2023. Just in case you're wondering, that lands the show on a Sunday night. With this much warning, you are advised to get all the naps in you can and get ready for a full night of rock.
Tesla has always been one of our faves. It's weird that they came out in the time of hair metal because I've always thought of them more like Guns n' Roses or Motley Crue, just a timeless blend of rock and straight-up metal.
Tesla was also kind enough to play on one of our FMX Birthday Bash shows. I can't remember which one it was, but it took place at Roadhouse Ruby's or whatever that big building just off the Interstate was named at the time. The guys, as always, just shredded.
If you have tickets for this show, they're good. If you need tickets for this show, you can get them right here. We're thinking Tesla in January is a pretty rockin' way to kick of 2023, now let's start getting more shows on the books!