Texas Places Second In The Worst States To Live Survey
What is happening with our Texas?
Heck, I love the Lone Star State, or am I just "used to it"? I feel like I've visited places that were not as cool as Texas, but was that just because Texas is home? I think we all have some thinking to do here as to whether we're fooling ourselves, or whether this survey makes a good point.
Texas ranked only behind Arizona as one of the worst states to live in. Without getting into the survey's criteria, I would have to say Arizona is much worse. I love Arizona's scenic vistas, monsoon-like thunderstorms (even though they are rare), and, well, I can't think of anything else. Okay, it's a fine place to drive through, if you have good air conditioning in your car.
So what's the problem with Texas? The survey looked into eighty-eight metrics and it seems we have problems with discrimination, health, and quality of life mostly. We DO have the hospitals (one of our strengths) but I guess the average Joe-Bob walking down the street isn't that healthy.
It's kind of telling that all of the low scores that added up to what would be a really good golf score can be blamed on the way the state is run and not necessarily on who we are. Yup, this seems to be about the government we've chosen and the things they have and have not done for Texans.
I'm not 100% bought into this particular survey, but eighty-eight metrics is a lot of math and science which tend to take a lot of opinion out of the process. Still, I'm staying put in the Lone Star State as long as I can.