Two Of The Best Rest Stops In Texas Are Lubbock Adjacent
This may strike you as a weird topic, but it's valuable information for those who like a good road trip.
The Problem With Road Trips
I have always loved a good roundtrip, but there were always some problems. First among the problems were directions and roadmaps. Thankfully GPS solved that and I am 100% eternally grateful and would be happy to buy the developer dinner. Next is the proliferation of travel centers which makes for fun places to stretch your legs and shop. Rounding out things are rest stops.
Rest Stops
The rest stops I encounter range from "picnic" areas which means its just a couple of tables by some trees to full blown visitor center type places with restrooms, vending, and sometimes even historical stuff to check out. Fortunately for me, there are a couple of pretty awesome rest stops just outside of Lubbock.
Believe it or not, people actually "rate" rest stops and the two in question rank 4.5 and 4.8 stars, which are enviable numbers. First up is the Abernathy Rest Area off I-27 which according to reviewers offers up clean restrooms, cold air conditioning, vending, charging stations, and "stuff to look at". Next up is Silver Falls Park on Highway 62/82. I frequently stop at this area and it has a full list of amenities amongst a picturesque setting.
Stop A Spell!
Hey, if you're on the road, you have to stop somewhere. Travel Centers are awesome but few have places for pets and kids, and are generally devoid of scenery. Hit up one of these rest stops on your next trip. It's pretty great that Texas can be so accommodating to travelers.
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