Will the National Fireworks Shortage Affect Lubbock’s 4th of July Celebration?
According to multiple news sources, there's a nationwide firework shortage which could change the way we blast off fireworks this summer. The coronavirus pandemic has officially screwed with nearly every single industry out there.
Does this mean Lubbock won't be celebrating with a bang?
Firework production was down 30 percent from its average. While that may not seem like much, it's actually a pretty substantial percentage. This year, prices are going to be higher, and a few of your favorites might even be might be missing from the available selections.
NBC News reported that fireworks enthusiasts were driving to surrounding states to get their fix, refusing to pay more for their favorite product. But there may not be much you can do about spending some extra cash. The gas money you spend on driving to another state will probably shake out to as much as you were going to overspend on fireworks. This may not be a battle folks can win.
94.5 FMX attempted to contact Lubbock's premiere fireworks provider, Mr. W Fireworks, several times, but the line remained busy.
If you're planning on a big fireworks display this 4th of July, it would be smart to start looking now. You may come across empty shelves and have to live with just a few sparklers and smoke bombs this year. As much as it sucks, at least we have made it through the roughest part of the pandemic with our lives.
It's also important to remember that the 4th of July is about a whole lot more than fireworks. You can find a way to show your patriotism to the United States by volunteering for organizations like Americorps and save the flames for next summer.
There will be more fireworks to come, don't you worry.