Your Kid Could Be The Smarter One Buy Buying Them These Banned Books
I don't get upset about some issues the way other people do and "banned books" are one of them.
I, of course, would have a HUGE problem if the books were banned nationally, but as far as "banned from schools" I don't care and I don't think any parent worth a darn shouldn't either.
If there's a segment of parents or politicians out there who don't want their kids exposed to something, then that's what they get. Meanwhile, as a parent who actually wants to prepare your kid for the real world, your child can be more well-rounded that the rest.
It would be great if every child had every opportunity to learn and grow, but just as Amish people want to raise Amish kids, close-minded people want to raise close-minded kids. I feel bad for the kids, but we can't raise other people's kids.
Let's also not forget that the world of literature is huge and that you probably need to watch what your kids are focused on anyway. While you're doing that, why not throw a "banned" book their way?
If you're wondering where to get started, it's as easy as heading to the "Banned Books" category on Amazon. Sure it would be awesome if you picked up some of these books locally, but you can at least can an idea of what's out there all in one place (and to be honest, I can't even tell why some of these were banned). You can also check out this list of books that were specifically banned in Texas as compiled by Texas Monthly.
Again, don't get mad about banned books, look at it as an opportunity for your child to be "one book better". It's a selfish thing for sure, but why fight those people who want to keep their kids in the dark?