Your Visit To The Lubbock Airport May Now Be A Miserable Two Hours Long
I understand the importance of being on time for air travel, but this is ridiculous.
I'm a very good boy. I get to the airport an hour in advance, maybe fifty minutes if I've forgotten something. I'm fortunate enough to live only ten minutes away from the airport so it's easy to get there when I'm in a hurry but also easy to be a little late because you take that proximity for granted.
I'll also say that the Lubbock airport is very much a small-town airport. On its best days, it's not that full. It's nothing to be ashamed of, we just aren't a destination hub. All of this is why I have to shake my head at this request:
Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport TSA will begin installation of new security checkpoint scanners April 24, 2023. This installation process is expected to take a couple weeks. Travelers should expect delays during the process and are encouraged to arrive at the airport at least two hours prior to scheduled departure times.
Two hours? What in the heck is going to happen that it's going to take me two hours (or 90 minutes) to get on a plane? Each and every person, even the slow ones, could strip naked and run around the airport several times to make sure nothing falls out of their rears in the time requested.
I know this is all scanner/security related, but it almost seems like a ploy to get you to browse the gift shop or something. I'm certainly glad I have no trips by air planned until next year; hopefully, everything will be in order then.