We need to be extra careful when it comes to keeping our pets safe.
Most people would just assume their dogs are fine in the backyard. That's how our childhood dog lived, anyway. He stayed outside for the most part and only came in whenever it was cold out (because we're not monsters who leave their dogs out in the cold).
It seems like that's not good enough to keep out the lunatics that prowl our streets at night, however.
A resident posted to Operation Crime Watch the other day that an older white man in a silver sedan was seen trying to take her daughter's dogs right out of the yard near 19th Street and Iola Avenue. Unfortunately, they weren't able to get a license plate number, and all they could provide in terms of a description was that it was an older model Honda Civic.
These weren't even "outside" dogs, either. The owner had just let them out to use the bathroom for a little bit when this absolute waste of skin tried to snatch the dogs up. Thankfully, the man was chased off right when the owner noticed what was going on.
There's not a whole lot in this world that makes me angrier than people messing with animals. I've written about it before, and I'll likely write about it again, as sad as that makes me. If you see anyone messing with innocent animals in any way, please report it. These kinds of people don't deserve to be freely walking our streets.
And while we still have these psychos walking amongst us, lock your gates and keep a close eye on your little friends. I wouldn't want to put anyone through the pain of losing a pet in that manner.
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