City of Lubbock’s Spending of Coronavirus Cash Should Be Watched Closely
Assistance is coming for Texas cities with less than 500,000 people, and we need to watch closely how that money is spent.
Texas cities under that half-million mark will divvy up $1.85 billion in assistance money that can be used for anything from health care to business assistance.
We need to put city leaders on notice right now that we'll be watching this one closely. It's not unheard of for business friends of politicians to suck these kinds of funds dry before our real small businesses and citizens get the help they so desperately need.
We'll be watching this one close. There are a lot of people who need help right now. Our city leaders should be making a list of priorities right now and publishing their list in a transparent way before even one check gets written.
All eyes are on you. Make sure you do the right thing.
Iconic Lubbock Locations During Stay-At-Home Orders