5 Ways to Piss Off People in Lubbock
Just how could the good people of Lubbock lose their manners? Well, I have a whole list of things coming at ya.
Generally, folks here realize we're all in it together, but there are a few things that put a burr under a certain portion of the population's saddles. I've got a few to share with you now.
- 1
Wear a UT or Texas A&M Shirt
I never really understood this one myself. At times it seems like we have a three-way t-shirt war in this town with Texas Tech, UT and Texas A&M all fighting for dominance. It's weird that Texas Tech doesn't own a crushing majority of t-shirt wearers. Still, you might catch a skunk eye from one of the faithful if you're representing Austin or College Station.
- 2
Claim That In-N-Out Is Better Than Whataburger
This is kind of a new battle now that a few In-N-Out locations have started making their way into Texas. The fact is, we don't have In-N-Out here (yet), so how dare anyone compare it to the white and orange stripes? It's been a minute since I've hit an In-N-Out myself, so I'm going with the home team's green-chili burger as THE burger in Lubbock.
- 3
Don't Allow Them to Merge Onto The Loop
Loop 289 is Lubbock's central nervous system. This explains why our nerves get so frazzled when "some jackass" won't let us merge onto the Loop. I've explained this before, even though the person getting on the Loop has a Yield sign, you shouldn't be a jerk. You should either speed up or slow down to assist your fellow drivers. We have one Loop, friends,;we need to share it.
- 4
Compare Anything in Lubbock to Amarillo
Lubbock and Amarillo are very, very similar. It's for this reason that folks can't really stand to see the two of them compared. I think the only real difference is, we have Texas Tech. Otherwise, you're looking at pretty much mirror images. It's two very similarly sized towns in West Texas. There just can't be that much of a difference.
- 5
Say 'Lub-bick'
Boy, the old timers love to go off on this one. Back in the day, every other day the newspaper's editorial column was full of oldsters raging about how to pronounce the town's name properly. Most of these instances sprang up with the arrival of a new TV person that put a bit too much "ick" in when an "uck" was needed.
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