Last year only had one Friday the 13th. This year we have three. Next year, we'll only have one.


Our first two Friday the 13th hit in February and March. And get this, next years Friday the 13th will happen exactly 26 weeks from today's Friday the 13th (26 weeks equals 2 x 13!).  That's not all though, also says that today's Friday the 13th is exactly 39 weeks from the last Friday the 13th (39 equals 3 x 39).  Is any of this spooky to you?

So why is Friday the 13th considered unlucky? Some say this goes all the way back to Norse mythology. You see the Gods were supposed to feast eternally in Valhalla, but it was interrupted by the 13th guest, who was Loki (yeah, some of that stuff in Thor is based on real mythology). Then there are those who say it's because Judas was the 13th guest at the last supper. Finally, there are those of you who just know Friday The 13th as "The Day He Came Back".

I've got to say that personally I'm not buying it. I think you make your own "luck". If you're superstitious though, watch out, the third Friday The 13th could be a triple whammy for you!

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