Help Us Make a Complete List of All Lubbock-Based Bands Throughout History
A friend who is also an archivist at Texas Tech University is looking to compile a comprehensive list of Lubbock bands. We're hoping to help him in making the list as complete as possible.
We do mean complete, too; if your great-grandad played the whiskey jug at a barn dance or you played metal at a friend's party, we want to know about it.
Below is the list of bands so far. Here's where you come in. If you see an omission, please forward whatever information you may have. It would also help if you included the years the band was active, and whatever members/instruments can be listed. A special email has been set up just for submissions at lubbockbands@gmail.com
1. 100 Proof Revolution 2. 10K Drive 3. 13th Phoenix Blues Band 4. 3M 5. 3rd Degree 6. 80s Combat 7. A Darker Shade of Gray 8. A Pony Named Sara 9. Above the Empire 10. Ace Pancakes 11. Ad Hoc 12. Adam Stone 13. AHORAKE 14. Air Biscuit 15. Akeme 16. Alabaster Jar 17. All Falls Down 18. Alma Quartet 19. Almost Cowboys 20. Alterkation 21. Amanda Shires 22. Andy Eppler 23. Animosity 24. Anthony Garcia and Outlier 25. Archimedes Watch Out! 26. Armadillo Flats 27. Armstrong 28. Asparagus Nightmares 29. Baba Ganoosh/Blue Light 30. Bad Habit 31. Bad Opie 32. Bangora 33. Barefoot Wayne 34. Battalion 35. Battleaxe 36. Battleskar 37. Ben Atkins Band 38. Betty and The Harmony Grits 39. Betty Drew 40. Black Cat Bone 41. Black Obsidian 42. Black Tooth Grin 43. Blackouts 44. Blackpage 45. Bleed The Freak 46. Blind Date 47. Blind Date 48. Blindfold Charlie 49. Blood Red Summer 50. Blood Red Summer 51. Blu Pony 52. Blue Honey 53. Blue Prairie 54. Blue Steel 55. Border Town 56. Boycott 57. Brandon Adams and the Sad Bastards 58. Brethren 59. Britain Church 60. Bucket of Blood 61. Buddy Holly and the Crickets 62. Buddy Jalapeno and Las Cucaraches 63. Burn the Wagon 64. Butch Hancock 65. Cadillac Jack 66. Cardiac Mac and the EKG’s 67. Cary Swinney 68. Cash Taylor and Loose Change 69. Cassius King 70. Cat House Blues Band 71. Catch 22 72. Cellus and the Loose Grip 73. Centaur 74. Chad Holloway 75. Charlie and the Chavell’s 76. Charlie Shafter 77. Cheap Good Jazz 78. Cheap Tequila 79. Cherokee Sky 80. Cheyenne 81. Chuck Cusimano and Country Enough 82. Chuck Cusimano and His Panhandle Cowboys 83. City 84. Cleanly Ohm 85. Coal Fire 86. Coffee and Cream 87. Cold Drive 88. Cold Fuse 89. Collen Walters Peace and Tom Walters 90. Colonel Sutry’s Libation Revival 91. Colossus of Rhodes 92. Colours 93. Cory Dutton 94. Cosmic Fugue 95. Cosmic Stop 96. Craven Morehead 97. Crossroads South 98. Crushstory 99. Cunninghams 100. Current 101. Curtis Peoples Collective 102. Cuttin the Grass 103. D.G. Flewellyn 104. Daddy’s Money 105. Dancin’ Dean and the Green Beans 106. Dangerous Dan and the Soul Patch Band 107. Danny Raines & The Ace Liquidators 108. Darren Welch Group 109. Dayz Wasted 110. De’Milo’s Arms 111. Dead Bear 86 112. Dead Cat 113. Deep Spirit 114. Dejavu 115. Diamond Center 116. Dick Funk and the Stiff Honkies 117. Dirty Charley 118. Dix Hat Band 119. DOA 120. Dolores 121. Doug Stapp Band 122. Dr. Skoob and the Acoustic Groove 123. Dragg 124. Dragging Juliet 125. Drugstore Cowboys 126. Dunbar Combo 127. Dune 128. Dustin Garrett's Electric Mambo (Dustin Garrett Trio) 129. Dusty Jane 130. Dutton Maines 131. Easy 132. Easy Does It 133. Eddie Beethoven and the Sons of Fun 134. Eddy Weir Band 135. Eight Second Ride 136. Eileen Aiken Band 137. Elektra 138. Element 139. Elephant Armor 140. Elvis T. Busboy and the Blues Butchers 141. Empowered 142. Envoye Express 143. Eskimo Pie 144. Everything is Sad 145. Falling Down Hurts 146. Falling Jupiter 147. Filth 148. Finger of God 149. Flaming Hellcats 150. Flatland Cavalry 151. Fluid Frequency 152. Flying House 153. Flywater Washington 154. FOAD 155. Free Beer 156. Freeride 157. Frito Pie 158. Fulton’s Point 159. Fun Box 160. Funk Puppets 161. Fuzzy Gumbo 162. Gary Nix and the West Texas 163. Ghost Owl 164. Ginger and the Alchemist 165. Glass Cannon 166. Graham Warwick 167. Grand Jury 168. Grandmas Violent Disposition 169. Grassroots Campaign 170. Gray Man 171. Green Chill Burp and the Aftertaste 172. Ground Zero 173. Grupo Milagro 174. Gunner Fore and The Interstate 175. Guy Harmonica and The Piranhas 176. Gypsi Cab 177. Gypsy 178. Gypsy Jayne and the Travelers 179. Hal Goodson and the Raiders 180. Hat Trick 181. Hayden Huse Band 182. Heath Tolleson 183. Hedge and Howell 184. Hidden Indians 185. Hogg Maulies 186. Hope Radio 187. Icarus Fixed 188. Igneous 189. Impeccable 190. Inca Roads 191. Indego 192. Ingrid Kaiter and Ruffhouse 193. Ingrid Kaiter and the Toon 194. IR Transformer 195. Iris 196. Ivory and Ash 197. J and the Manits 198. Jack Huddle Combo 199. Jacket Walker 200. Jacob Nalle Quartet 201. Jake Kellen Band 202. Jay Boy Adams 203. Jazz Alley 204. Jeff Dennis 205. Jenni Dale Lord Band 206. Jesse Taylor and Tornado Alley 207. Jesse Taylor Band 208. Jimmie Dale Gilmore 209. Joe Ely Band 210. Joey Allen Band 211. John Sprott 212. Johnny Handgunn 213. Jordan McEwen 214. Josh Abbot Band 215. Joy Harris Band 216. Jr Medlow and the Cobras 217. Judge Dredd 218. Judiciary 219. Junkhead 220. Kartoon Kids 221. Kenny Paul Harris and Estelline 222. Key 223. Killun Jive 224. Kimmie Rhodes 225. Kingdom Denied 226. Kinky Wiazrds 227. Kliffnotes 228. Kyle Abernathie 229. La Panza 230. Landon Scoggin and the Scandal 231. Larry Trider Band 232. LBK Skanks 233. Leadfoot Rodeo 234. Legendary Stardust Cowboy 235. Live Wire 236. Lone Prairie 237. Los Dos Andies 238. Los Premieres 239. Los Sons of Bitches 240. Los Toronados 241. Lotus Eaters 242. Lotus Opus 243. Low Tolerance 244. LSO 245. LüBach 246. Lubbock Underground Jam Band 247. Lyn Childress 248. Maggie Lewis and the Thunderbolts 249. Maines Brothers 250. Marc Mason Harper 251. Mariachi Amistad 252. Masterpeace 253. Maverick 254. Mel Way and the Wayward Playboys 255. Melancholy 256. Members of the Bored 257. Menlo Park 258. Mesquite-O-Bytes 259. Midnight Express 260. Midnight Hamburger Band 261. Mike Pritchard and Blue Thunder and the Lighting Horns 262. Mike’s Project 263. Mike-O-Waves 264. Miz Ayn’s Electo Pie 265. Mojave Sol 266. Mojo Hand 267. Monkey 268. Monkey Wrench Café 269. Mortifix 270. MOYA 271. Mute 272. My Milliner 273. Mystery Stain 274. Naked Pictures 275. Nickelodeon 276. Nikki Sullivan and the Senders 277. No Compromise 278. No Dry County 279. Nose Gremlins 280. Nosmoking 281. Nuclear Soul 282. Ockham’s Razor 283. Ogallala Blues Band 284. One Dust 285. One Fish 286. One Wolf 287. Orange County Band 288. Outlandau Groove 289. Outlaw Express 290. P.F. John 291. Pachelbel 292. Pearl Evans Band 293. Peggy Sue’s Dance Party 294. Peyote 295. Philosophic Wax 296. Pieces 297. PJ Belly and the Lone Star Blues Band 298. Plaid Joe 299. Plain Brown Wrapper 300. Plan B 301. Pocket 302. Ponty Bone and the Squeeze Tones 303. Prometheus 304. Pronohelmut 305. Proud Cut Ponies 306. Provenz 307. Psychic Flowers 308. Ralna English and the Ad Libs 309. Ranch Dance Fiddle Band 310. Raptorrap 311. Rat Madness 312. Rat Salad 313. Rattlesnake Milk 314. Reaction 315. Red Dirt Rock 316. Redbird 317. Reinestation 318. Relapse 319. Renegade 320. Reo Speedealer 321. Repulvenant 322. Reverend Al and the Pythons 323. Rex Thomas Band 324. Rhythm Masters 325. Rigid Plowboys 326. Riley Adams Duo 327. Ritchie McDonald and Lonestar 328. Riverwind 329. Roadhouse Trio 330. Roan Inish Damsha 331. Robin Griffin Band 332. Ron Riley 333. Ronnie and the Cold Hard Truth 334. Ross Copper 335. Routine Vera 336. Rubber Husband 337. Russian Bear Fight 338. Saffire 339. Sandra Dee 340. Second Drive 341. Serum 342. Seth Morrison 343. Sexcellent 344. Sgt. Steve Monday 345. Shane Rogers band 346. Shantells 347. Showdown 348. Shrapnel 349. Side Pocket 350. Sindel 351. Sissy Spacecraft 352. Skinnit Back 353. Sleep with ZZZ 354. Slobula 355. Smoke and Mirrors 356. Snufalupagus 357. Sober by Sunday 358. Soul Kitten 359. Southern Train 360. Sparks Fly Upward 361. Sparky’s Garden 362. Spilling Poetry 363. Spinning Ginny 364. Spivey 365. Spot Suit 366. Sqaurehead 367. Squat Thrust 368. Starriders 369. Steg and Street Fox 370. Stocklyn 371. Stone James 372. Stone Soup 373. Stonehouse 374. Stranger than Fiction 375. Strawberry Crush 376. Street Theater 377. Studebaker Pickup 378. Sugarwitch 379. Sun Stone Hawk 380. Sunstone Hawk 381. Supernatural Family Band 382. Swamp Donkeys 383. Sweetleaf 384. Syringe 385. T Nichol House Band 386. Tammy McGuire w/ Strange Attractors 387. Tango Llaneros 388. Techniques 389. Tequila Mockingbird 390. Terry Allen and the Panhandle Mystery Band 391. Texana Dames 392. Texas 114 393. Texas 223 394. Texas Death Chamber 395. Texas Death Trip 396. That’s My Tractor 397. The Alma Quartet 398. The Annihilators 399. The Attack 400. The Blackouts 401. The Blakleys 402. The Bluebees 403. The Blues Butchers 404. The Buzztones 405. The Caprockers 406. The Chaparel’s 407. The Colours 408. The Dead See 409. The Degenerates 410. The Donna Harris Show 411. The Dry Heeves 412. The Flatlanders 413. The Four Teens 414. The Glacial End 415. The Goners 416. The Groove Daddies 417. The Groove Prophets 418. The Harry Leeds Band 419. The Heartbeats 420. The Hi Fi Collective 421. The Home Town Boys 422. The Intentions 423. The Likeables 424. The Lloyds 425. The Local Nobodys 426. The Lox 427. The Lubbock Band (1906) 428. The Lubbock Texas Quartet 429. The Maines Brothers 430. The Misfits 431. The Monuments 432. The Music Painters 433. The Nelsons 434. The Novells 435. The Numerators 436. The Onil Zap Band 437. The Owen Franklin Band 438. The Penni Lawrence Band 439. The Planets 440. The Quitters 441. The Ravens 442. The Reagan Administration 443. The Repels 444. The Roadside Playboys 445. The Rock-A-Holics 446. The Rocket Scientists 447. The Rockin Raven 448. The Rouges 449. The Royals 450. The Rude Boys 451. The Sharks 452. The Shucks 453. The Smashing Atoms 454. The Sparkles 455. The Sweat Addicts 456. The Teneyuque Brothers 457. The Texas Bel Airs 458. The Tone 459. The Tools 460. The Traveling Salesman 461. The Twilights 462. The Ultimate Force 463. The Uprising 464. The Velveteens 465. The Velvets 466. The Virgils 467. The Wheeler Brothers 468. The Younger Brothers 469. Third Uncle 470. Those Who Dig 471. Thrift store Cowboys 472. Tinker Carlin and the Cats 473. Tiny Spider 474. TNT 475. Today’s Special 476. Tone Council 477. Tone Heavy Criminals 478. Tornado Alley 479. Torrie and the Clits 480. Torture Syndrome 481. Touch 482. Touch of Soul 483. Tragic Machine 484. Tribal Soul 485. Tuskaria 486. Twisted Nature 487. Ty Dye Haze 488. Tyler T. 489. Uncle Nasty 490. Used Oil 491. Vigilante Road 492. Vince Hopkins Band 493. Wade Parks Band 494. Waiting to Derail 495. Walking Shred 496. Warhorse 497. Warren Commission 498. Watermelon Fastbass 499. We Can’t Help You 500. Weasel MX 501. Weldon Housen Fluck 502. Wes Nickson Band 503. West 84 504. West of Balmore 505. West Texas Medicine Show 506. Where I Dwell 507. Whiskey Tango 508. Who’s Driving 509. Wickersham Project 510. Wilburn Roach Band 511. William Clark Green 512. Willie Redden and the Red Rubber Band 513. Winton “Cowboy” Kyle 514. World’s Largest Trio 515. Yellowhouse Canyon String Band 516. York Avenue 517. You’ll Never Guess 518. Your Brother’s Uncle 519. Zip Guns 520. Zipp City and the Lightning Horns 521. Zipperhead 522. Zone |
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