Lawmakers Are Proposing a Porn Tax on Phones and Tablets
In the latest little bit of nonsense, lawmakers in states including Texas are looking to up the nanny-state tactics and fill their pockets by taking away your liberties. Yeah, that's what it really is: a cash grab.
Lawmakers are considering legislation that would force providers to block porn on your device. You would then have to pay a one-time $20 fee to have it jailbroken (read: unlocked).
This is so ridiculous. It's an invasion of privacy, another unnecessary tax on people who've been taxed enough, and at best another clunky piece of code that your phone has to work with.
These politicians are so full of crap. They are trying to run this through as "The Human Trafficking Act" when we know that it's got nothing to do with that. It's just government busybodies who think they know what's good for you, and they're going to punish your wallet if you don't agree.
It's time for this legislation to suffer the same penalty as people who lose lawsuits. I want to be paid for the "pain and suffering" of even having to speak out against this 1st Amendment-infringing legislation.
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