Local Preacher Tries to Disrupt Lubbock Pride, Is Laughed Off the Premises
I don't know if you know what the Lubbock Pride event is like. Basically, it's like a family reunion in the park. There are vendors selling rainbow color merchandise and the usual array of food and drinks. There are some live entertainment and folks walking around. I hate to disappoint you, but that's it. It's just people enjoying a day in the park. There's nothing there that you'd be embarrassed to see or even have your kids around. It's just people. That's all.
Once again, a local pastor chose to try to go out of his way to try to disrupt this day at the park. According to one of his postings online, he was "mocked and ridiculed" by people out there.
Okay, so where do we start? This guy gets butthurt that nobody wanted to hear his bullshit and he was disappointed that he got so little attention that he tried to fan the flames online. Then, he uses what little controversy he can summon up to try to promote call-ins to his radio program. Does that about cover it? What a moron.
Fortunately, this time around, no one was having it from this guy. Not the patrons, not the police -- who, by the all accounts, did a fantastic job keeping a lid on the situation (and reportedly escorting him off the premises). And not the other church folk who were on hand. He did not put a damper on the day for the 600+ who turned out for the event.
The only reason I bring this up at all is I think everyone in Lubbock needs to be very keenly aware of the Westboro Baptist-like tactics that are going on right under our noses. This guy could have been home praying for hurricane victims, or praying that we don't go to war. But instead, he went to make an ass of himself at an event where every single person very much knows what's at stake when they wake up in the morning. The only shameful behavior at Lubbock Pride this weekend belonged solely and completely to this preacher.
I had included this nut's name in here and it's not hard to find if you want to, but why give him oxygen? He's just spreading BS and looking for publicity in an attempt to draw other like-minded homophobes to his church. Now I'm thinking the best thing to do is the same thing the folks at pride did, which is to laugh him out of here.
Please watch my video above for additional commentary.
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