Lubbock Public Art Is Now Listed in One Handy Online Guide
I'm a fan of public art, and now it's even easier to find around Lubbock.
I have long been on the side of Lubbock establishing a cultural identity. Establishing an identity doesn't have to be snooty, and it doesn't have to be expensive. It's just a way of breaking up monotonous views and adding to the quality of life around here.
I've already established that I'm a big fan of the current art that was placed before the Lubbock Arts Festival. Maybe you'd like a closer or more complete look at the art around town? That is now possible with the Lubbock Public Art Map.
This very cool interactive map allows you to zoom in, search, filter results and more. You can also find out the name of the piece and in most cases the sculptor/artist.
Even cooler: You can click on the art piece on the map and get a recent picture of it, giving you a virtual tour of the art around Lubbock at home.
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