Mayor Delivers Completely Tone Deaf Response to LP&L Complaints
I do not know enough about the problems with LP&L bills to comment on them, but I know when you're not being listened to.
There is a huge petition and a lot of grievances being aired over summer LP&L bills. I'll let someone else give you the complete low-down and dirty over that. I just don't have anything to add to that conversation. What I can say is, Mayor Dan Pope's response to all of this was especially lunk-headed.
The mayor commented that the LP&L bills contain charges for other city services, so one thing they're going to do is change the letterhead on the bills. Wow, way to really put yourself out there, mayor! How about saving a few thousand bucks on a new letterhead design and give everybody a couple pennies in savings on their next bill?
The mayor also urged residents to address their concerns with LP&L if they think their bill is wrong. The guy just doesn't get it. For some reason, and Lubbock residents would like to know why, not only do they seem to pay more than other Texas residents for power, they are seeing huge spikes in the summer. It's so simple a child could understand it. A new envelope is no good unless it's full of answers.
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