Medical Personnel Are Being Furloughed in Lubbock
Are you ready for this? As Lubbock prepares for an increase in Coronavirus cases, nurses, respiratory therapists and others are being laid off from some of the smaller area hospitals.
Maybe you've heard of the ban on elective surgeries. Presumably, that ban was put into effect to help save beds and resources for the anticipated influx of Coronavirus patients. This has also resulted in some very qualified medical personnel being laid off.
I guess this a free country and these smaller hospitals can do what they want, but this is really short-sighted and dumb.
Why aren’t these hospitals getting ready for patient overflow from our larger hospitals? Why aren’t these nurses and others being trained to help against this virus? Why would these perfectly good medical centers be allowed to just take a pass on this whole thing?
I guess the answer is that these smaller doctor-owned or private hospitals don’t have a legal obligation to help. There hasn’t been a war powers declaration drafting them into service.
I guess there is a danger and/or expense in bringing this virus through their doors. I guess giving them the freedom to tap out is part of what America is about, but it sure seems like a douchebag thing to do. It’s just heartbreaking that the same hospitals that’ll send you a $30,000 bill can’t keep a nurse around in case of an emergency.
I hope all of you furloughed personnel make your name and number available to our true community hospitals, because they’re probably going to need you.